盐城富奥玛机械有限公司于一九九九年投资成立,是一家结生产与销售、内贸与外贸于一体的生产销售企业。我公司具有独立的进出口经营权,以及完备的中国电子口岸等通关系统,保证国内外产品之路的畅通! 企业现有职工200多名,产品已涉及到50多个国家,包括:美国、意大利、德国、波兰、墨西哥、希腊、泰国、印度、日本、巴西、南非、伊朗等国家!富奥玛涉足于农机、造纸、橡塑、食品、木材加工、现代装潢、冶金、机电等行业。主导产品有:刀片类:旋耕机弯刀、开垦刀、田园管理刀、割草刀、圆盘耙片、刮平机刀片,碎木机刀片;各式犁铲,齿轮,传动轴,弹簧,钣金件以及液压件等农机产品。 富奥玛机械有限公司始终坚持质量**,客户满意的理念,相信只有强化管理,重抓质量,不断加大科技投入,引进利用先进技术,不断开发,才能满足客户的各类需求,不断的壮大综合实力,以更强的姿态,屹立于行业之林! FERMA is a company with many years of know-how. A mid-scale enterprise in multi-preoject business and mainky in production for agriculural machinery accessorise.Our name repressents outstanding preformance and maximum durability.FERMA continuse to grow in markets all over the globe.This ever increasing demand is jist because of continuous value addition.We have already sold to more than 50 countries. We produce real quality workmanship, and stock replacement parts for up to many years.We make no conpromises when it comes to quality.That's exactly what makes our customers so satiesfied. FERMA PRODUCTS are technically mature,functional,and extremely long-lasting.According to wise saying;With a good tool,half the work is already done.That is why FREMA PRODUCTS are so well liked.Simply because they are good.The machines are powerful and solid;they run reliably.And so ever hard work is done with ease. FERMA now has 200 woekers,what her always want is let FERMA becomes your specialist for top quality. WE ALWAYS DO OUR BEST TO YOU! PERFECT QUALITY---FOR A LIFETIME,WE PROMISE!